Binding Of Isaac Mods Achievements

New playable character

Here is my list of my 10 favourite Binding of Isaac Afterbirth plus mods. Is your favourite on the list? If not, comment below and let me know what it is! I am currently playing Binding of Isaac on my PS4. But since I just bought a new PC, I would like to switch to the PC version. I've already spent a couple of hours playing on the PS4 and achieved all 178 achievements that are available before the DLCs. Go to Documents My Games Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods folder. Enter into a folder of a mod that you'd like to have in-game. Copy 'resources' paste it in main game folder. If it can be done THAT easily, what's the purpose of disabling achievements at all? Everything it does is that we can't manage our mods well.

Seal of Approval for following submission guidelines.'>
Nemesis is a new playable character, with her own shooting style !
She works almost like Lilith : she can't shoot, her familiar (some sort of flying mixture) shooting for her.
All the items that normally change your tears are now useless ; you must loot Holy Flasks to modify the tears you shoot.
However, the useless items you may find can be transmuted into new random flasks with the Treastise of Alchemy, a new active item.
Due to a recent bug in the game, all the new characters added by mods must have disabled achievements, to prevent crashing the game after beating some of the bosses.
You have nothing to do, just pick Nemesis and play with her without achievements. I'll allow them when the bug is fixed.

Some things you need to know :
- All the flasks are randomly generated, how powerfull your tears will be with the power of this new flask ?
- There are 6 flask's quality, each one with it own level and rarity. The Relic ones are very rare and powerfull.
- You can wear 2 flasks : simply press the DROP button to switch from one to another when you have found a second one.
- The new flask you pickup replace the currently equiped one, but don't worry, the old one will be placed on the ground.
- A new flask may appear after a minimum of 5 cleared rooms.
- You can view the statistics of the flask currently equiped by switching your flasks (with the DROP button), or simply pressing the MAP button.
- The Treatise of Alchemy transform all the pedestal items and trinkets into new flasks, use it wisely (on items like 20/20, Sad Onion, anyone that change your tears or damage).
- In Greed mode, you start the game with the Treatise of Alchemy Volume 2, which in addition create a new flask each time (a basic one), or transform all the flasks in the room to a new one (with a better chance to have a rare).
A big THANK YOU to all the modders who allowed me to use their name for the Relic Flasks, and sorry to all those I forgot or didn't managed to contact.
x 64
can we use this on rebirth??
Can we get some regular Afterbirth for this? It looks cool and I don't have Afterbirth+
Mine crashes whenever i go ingame
ohhh! he is dabbin'
is there a version of this for afterbirth not plus but just afterbirth
so i downloaded the mod and extracted it to the resources folder and it didn't work please help
Do you have Afterbirth+?
although it is just lilith, i was super amazed by the potions! this is a cool mod, and im yet to discover every potion effect!
the game crashes when im using the character and go into the mom fight. help?
can i get help the mod isnt working
Can you explain exactly what is your problem ? (and where do you have copied the files)
the mod was downloaded but never showed up in my mod list
i tried moving it in and out of the afterbirth plus folder but it didnt work
you have to take the first folder (Nemisis) out of the .zip and then put it inside the afterbirth + mods folder.
i did manage to fix it but thanks for the help it was a problem on my end not the mod or the folders
great mod!
Now for Afterbirth+! Become the God!
Seal of Approval for following submission guidelines.'>

Now, this version of Godmode is not the version that most of you are familiar with. I decided to start from scratch with the Afterbirth+ version, so there will be a lot of missing content. I plan on going with a slightly less dramatic overhaul, so my current plans are redoing the Afterbirth stages and then all stages past the Cathedral (excluding the Void). Once all the Afterbirth stages are redone, then all future stages will (Hopefully) be completely new! So enjoy watching the progress on this! All feedback is welcome haha.

  • 19 Items
  • 6 Bosses!
  • 6 New Floors!
  • 2 New Pickups
  • 1 New Pill!
  • 17 New Enemies!
  • 4 New Characters!
  • 1 New Challenge!
  • Revamped special items system!

Don't worry, I made quite a few more items categorized as special.
Skatole, Skeleton Key, A Dollar, Dr. Fetus, Steam Sale, Technology, Chocolate Milk, The D6, Mom's Knife, Brimstone, Mutant Spider, Epic Fetus, Polyphemus, Sacred Heart, Pyro, Humbling Bundle, Gnawed Leaf, Rubber Cement, Anti-gravity Tears, Pyromaniac, Cricket's Body, Gimpy, Monstro's Lung, BFFS!, Hive Mind, Propstosis, D100, Blank Card, Holy Mantle, Ludovico Technique, Soy Milk, Godhead, Glass Cannon, Incubus, Eden's Blessing, Marked, Tech X, Tractor Beam, Maw of the Void, Succubus, Glowing Hour Glass, Head of the Keeper, Analog Stick, Void, Smelter, Crooked Penny, Jacob's Ladder, Delirious, Adramolech's Blessing, Larval Therapy, Taenia, Anguish Jar.
48 items are marked as special ones now. The tradeoff for adding so many more, is that they have a different method for rerolling others you encounter on your run. The chance to keep the special item, rather than reroll it is as follows;
Reroll = 1.0 * 0.85^(NumSpecialItems)
NumSpecialItems is the number of special items the player currently HAS, not has SEEN, which is the big difference, and then the chance to reroll the consecutive special items is much lower than default. This allows you to get more special items, but still puts a 'limit' on run breaking / changing items. To make things even better, if your active item is Abraham's Map, the reroll is entirely cancelled. ;)
If you have any thoughts on this, let me know!
Mr. GummyKitten, Lung, Firaga, and MM102. You all are the best!!
Enjoy everyone! Hopefully I don't disappoint, and hopefully what this will become will be able to be on par with the scale of older Godmode versions, just with much more polished everything.
~ Mindset
Here's a mediafire link for the 3.2 version, if you wish to use it for Rebirth
  • [/*]The Rebirth version features The Agony Of Isaac by TezNyanCatLipoca. Afterbirth version does not.

  • If you want a link to the Afterbirth version, here it is!
    x 9541

    - Fixed a few major crashing bugs!!!

    - Redesigned It Breathe's attack a bit, and fixed Souleater's attack and made him easier when his Furnace Guards are out.

    - Added a Burning Basement replacement, the Fruit Cellar! Themed after flies and bats. Will probably get some cooler music later.

    - Added Teethers! Small baby bats. You'll see em in the Fruit Celler *everywhere*.

    - Added Baptismal Cross, a new angel room item! It's pretty useful, I'd recommend trying it out.

    - A new pickup that looks like a playing card, the Torn Page! It activates a random book when you use it.

    - A billion other things happened but I can't remember off the top of my head because this took WAY too long, but I hope that the mod has less bugs, I at least remember debugging it!!

    - Started completely from scratch for Afterbirth+ for maximum polish and enjoyability!!

    - Links to the last version for Rebirth and Afterbirth are still above for you guys <3

    - For a list of current features, they are all stated above or on the steam workshop link below.


    - Go to your local library! Read a book or 4 ;)

    - Regurgitation was revamped ;)

    - The hud was redone! Everything but the new boss health bar was by @Firaga, I was inspired for the new health bar by @Bezimienny, but it isn't quite the same.

    - New enemies! New rooms! New shops! Easier curse rooms!

    - Souleater has new guards, therefore making the Soulless waves less tedious!

    - Hush has returned to the blue womb! (Any hush outside of the blue womb is easier people, I thought of that)

    - Many other features that I don't quite remember!

    - Enjoy this update! It may be the last :)

    - Better crawlspaces have been added! Sorry for the spam updates.

    - Nerfed the special items a bit, it's much closer to what it was pre 4.2.0 (~85)

    - Added more items into rooms, so you'll get better runs. STILL not overboard though.

    - Changed Backroom song to a remix one of my friends made, titled 'Metallicon Madness'

    - Revamped the mastermind of this toybox ;)

    - Added some variety to rooms that previously had none, enjoy the shop varieties :P

    - A few more bugs fixed

    - Demons were contained, restrained and removed... O.o

    - Nerfed the special items a bit, it's much closer to what it was pre 4.2.0 (~85)

    - Added more items into rooms, so you'll get better runs. STILL not overboard though.

    - Changed Backroom song to a remix one of my friends made, titled 'Metallicon Madness'

    - Revamped the mastermind of this toybox ;)

    - Added some variety to rooms that previously had none, enjoy the shop varieties :P

    - A few more bugs fixed

    - Demons were contained, restrained and removed... O.o

    - Fixed the character sprites! (Except for keeper because I hope to redo him)

    - Finished redoing the stage sprites! Enjoy them!

    - Added a few more enemies ;)

    - Made Satan a bit different, probably more difficult :}

    - Made the game a LOT harder. Less items, more enemies.

    - Bumped the total number of special items up to... 110 :] (From about 85-90, I didn't just go ballistic guys)

    - Added a few boss rooms

    - Arcades are now Backrooms, with bosses for pickups.

    - Dice Rooms are now Worship rooms. Just a cosmetic change.

    - Added a new character, Locket.

    - Added a few new bosses.

    - Added a fun new friend to annoy your psychic shots!

    - Removed Destiny's Razor Blade.

    - Challenges added by Afterbirth are still broken, sorry guys.

    - Credits may also be broken, but only the credits cutscene and anywhere it appears ingame.

    - Demons were created, destroyed, amplified, and removed? O~O

    - Quite a few more things that I'm sure you'll love! Enjoy the update guys! :D

    - Fixed Ultra Greed's floor, now lets you complete Greed mode runs.

    - Changed Triconditional Cross, and removed it from the spawn room.

    - Added a new 'statue' to the Angel Rooms.

    - Nerfed Ultra Greed's HP a little.

    - Changed Perago's 2nd boss waves to add a little more challenge :P

    - A few other bug fixes I probably forgot about :P

    - Enjoy the update guys!

    - Does Ultra Greed's floor. Placeholder Ultra Greed fight.

    - Buffs a few enemies and bosses stageHP to make it a little harder.

    - Fixes the crash with the latest Afterbirth update.


    - Probably a few small other things :P

    - Gave Conscivit new art, courtesy of '?' for the name sprite and the boss portrait base sprite :3

    - Afterbirth Compatability added! Though still fairly buggy.

    - The Blind was redone into Conscivil! Much more playable if you've unlocked the Sanctuary or the Furnace. Easier to play as if you've unlocked both.

    - Destiny was completely redone design-wise, graphics wise may come soon!

    - Added Conscivis (Familiar and Stage)

    - Added a new final boss, Conscivit. Be VERY careful with this one.

    - Redid Treasure Rooms! And Libraries! And Shops!

    - Greed mode is Godmode's version UP UNTIL ULTRA GREED. WIP stage in Ultra Greed's room.

    - Custom stage sprites are coming most are done, but there's a few yet to do :)

    - More enemies have been added!

    - More bosses have been added!

    - The Sanctuary and the Furnace's rooms have been completely redone! No more instadamage rooms!!

    Binding Of Isaac Mods Achievements

    - In progress of adding 100+ new rooms per floor :3

    - Redid the StageHP system, so it may be a lot easier than you remember right now haha.

    - Demons were purged, contained, released, and shifted O.o

    - AND MANY MANY MORE!!! Enjoy this update to Godmode everyone!! :D

    - An absolutely massive update to Godmode has appeared!

    - More enemies!

    - The Catacombs has been redone to the Ruins. And the Caves redone to the Deep Caverns. Complete with new songs!

    - I almost tripled the number of songs Godmode adds!

    - I added a few more bosses!

    - Fixed the bug with Shops being unleavable, and minor tweaks to the shops.

    - Changed the Coals to be a *touch* redder, less contrast.

    - Redid the Furnace's background sprite. A content pack is available for original.

    - I added a few more enemies.

    - Completely redid the way to get to the Soulless! More info in the post.

    - Completely redid the Boss rush! it's now a unique, and necessary boss fight. More info in the post.

    - Fixed the Twins! boss fight crash error. HOPEFULLY it works now, please tell me right away if otherwise.

    - Demons were added, removed and revamped at the same time O.o

    - Enjoy this update to Godmode everyone! Leave your feedback in the comments! It helps to see what you think of it :)

    - The 'Bugfix' update is here!! Along with many new additions XD

    - Added around 35 new Treasure rooms

    - Revamped the Ambush rooms

    - Revamped the I AM ERROR rooms

    - Revamped the Isaac fight. Have fun fighting the Broken Angels!

    - Revamped the Satan fight. No more extra Fallen >:D

    - Added a few new Active items!! (/u/KoalaAnonymous found it out)

    - Added a couple new bosses and enemies!!

    - Fixed (what I hope) is the last of the bugs :)

    - Fixed the really freaking annoying Palace overlay XP

    - Changed Xaphan's gameplay by A LOT, where Judas gets a half a soul heart at the start so it is BARELY possible to survive as Judas :)

    - And definitely a lot more I'm missing here! Enjoy this update to Godmode! :)

    - This is the final (Potentially second to final for bug fixes) Godmode update!! Godmode Obtained is here!!

    Binding Of Isaac Mods Achievements

    - Added a sick new Title Screen, complete with 'Ascension' by Ridiculon :D

    Binding of isaac mods achievements

    - Added new boss music for The Grand Martial :3

    - Added a new true final boss (Mega Satan alt!)!! Feedback is seriously appreciated here!

    - Added about 6, 7 new enemies

    - Added about 7 more bosses :)

    - Changed Best Bud to be 'Unholy Triscele', which does low damage but has much greater range :)

    - Added 7 mini content packs!! For those of you who want certain things back, like Gideon, or removing the custom HP system, and Vanilla characters, etc!!!

    - Toned down the backgrounds a bit, and redid The Furnace's background :3

    - Added a neat new Shopkeeper who talks to you (Most of the time :P)

    - Softened almost all the Tear sprites :D

    - Increased the Glow in the angel rooms' yellow value so it's more noticable :D

    - Redid most of the HUD graphics!! Golden Font, here we go!! (And soft hearts)

    - Made the character select text a lot softer, and gave them their stats back :)

    - Nerfed pretty much every monster with my custom HP system :3

    - Probably MUCH more things I forgot to mention, but either way, enjoy this mega update I did for Godmode! All feedback is appreciated!!

    - Some more new enemies :3 (Around 4)

    - Some new bosses :3 (Around 6)

    - A few new items (Godheart, Nightmare Heart, etc)

    - A sweet animation for Undefined on the Item pedestal :D

    - Gideon shall be known as Christopher from now on :3 (Character revamp)

    - Tweaked a few rooms

    - Added a few rooms

    - Made The Coals and The Depths much more pleasing to the eye due to popular request :)

    - There will only probably be one more final update to Godmode, as it's approaching it's final form ;)

    - Fixed what hopefully is the last bug with the custom fires :3 (Fixed Seizure Fires)

    - Added quite a few new enemies!!! :D

    - Added a couple new floor revamps (?)

    - Added a couple new bosses :3

    - Fixed some old custom boss rooms

    - Made The Adversary back in the boss rooms :D

    - A couple other neat little tweaks and additions :3

    - Added quite a few new enemies!!! :D

    - Added a couple new floor revamps (?)

    - Added a couple new bosses :3

    - Fixed some old custom boss rooms

    - Made The Adversary back in the boss rooms :D

    - A couple other neat little tweaks and additions :3

    - Fixed The Furnace having a screwed up overlay

    - Gave The Sanctuary a better overlay :P

    - A few other very minor things

    - I'm almost positive I fixed the Linux crash, thanks to @Does the onion grace my presence :) Please let me know if it isn't fixed.

    - Added a new enemy (Screamer)

    - Revamped the cards (The Fool, Joker, Chaos Card, etc.) Have fun figuring out the new ones!!! They all have something related to their previous one, and they have a story to them now :P

    - Redid The Cellar (Which means that a few floor's holes will look a little weird, so don't be too worried about that)

    - Revamped QUITE a few of the new floors to make them look amazing-er (*cough cough The Temple cough cough*)

    - A few other features I'm sure you'll find! Or not! :P

    - Added 5(6?) floor revamps (The Palace, The Temple, The Remains, The Decay, The Coals and maaybe The Depths, idk :P) and 2(?) new songs!!!!

    - Redid It Lives' Sprite to be a little more gruesome :P

    - Redid a lot of sprites to fit the new floors :D

    - Nerfed a few enemies

    - Removed the Mom fight from the final floor and replaced it with a triple scolex XD The issues the Mom room was causing was too many :P

    - Finished Drake off (Cain, gave him a swaggy bandana and eyepatch and buffed him)

    - Semi Finished Adra (Azazel)

    - Fixed Mom fight in Sanctuary / Furnace (4 The Fools in the room)

    - Resprited The Sanctuary to look more welcoming :)

    - A few other bugfixes (Including empty boss rooms?)

    - Fixed MANY bugs involving the new bosses and empty boss rooms

    - Fixed MANY bugs involving the new bosses and empty boss rooms

    - Nerfed Dingle (WAAYYYYY TO FAST :P)

    - Fixed Demon Priests boss room being empty

    - Added some more rooms to The Furnace and The Sanctuary (I.E The Furnace went from 95 to 135, The Sanctuary went from 86 to 120)

    - Nerfed Dingle (WAAYYYYY TO FAST :P)

    - Fixed Demon Priests boss room being empty

    - Added some more rooms to The Furnace and The Sanctuary (I.E The Furnace went from 95 to 135, The Sanctuary went from 86 to 120)

    Binding of isaac achievement guide

    - Fixed download for Godmode

    - Read 1.9.9 for feature list of current update

    - Added NINE NEW BOSSES :D (Megaworm, Megacrawler, Mega Envy, The Guard, The Nightmare, Voideater, Gurgle, Shadow Snake and Molech!!!)

    - Added about 10 rooms per floor (In total 120 rooms, it's a lot of work :P)

    - Added final boss variants for The Grand Martial (Let me know if it's still Mega Maw XD)


    - Added Mega Envy to the boss rush (Hint: He's on the envy wave :3)

    - FIXED THE INFAMOUS ANGEL ROOM BUG!!!!! :D :D :D :D (It was a typo with the statue's animation :3)

    - Made Gideon a little more powerful :)

    - Made a select number of bosses harder >:D (Polycephalus, Mega Maw, The Gate, Mama Gurdy)

    - Updated the Death Wish names

    - Finished updating the names in players.xml (Lazy me lol)

    - Totally changed ??? as the boss into 'The Grand Martial'

    - Character Revamp!! (Finally lol, but Azazel isn't entirely done yet and Cain may be changed)

    - Added a new alternate final boss for The Lamb, called The Demon Priests (Or a bunch of symbols lol)

    - Made Round worms harder, but removed some health

    - Removed The Adversary (Deemed too similar to The Demon Priests :P)

    - Redid some more animations

    - Made Yum Heart exclusive to Super Lust and Bridget (Magdalene) and made it a 1 charge item

    - Made Judas' Shadow EXTREMELY rare and only in devil rooms (0.01% chance of seeing it :P)

    - Changed The Library's itempool to only have special items so it's worth going in, and made The Library a dark green color

    - Made Gabriel and Fallen Gabriel harder (Red robed angel)

    - Totally changed ??? as the boss into 'The Grand Martial'

    - Character Revamp!! (Finally lol, but Azazel isn't entirely done yet and Cain may be changed)

    - Added a new alternate final boss for The Lamb, called The Demon Priests (Or a bunch of symbols lol)

    - Made Round worms harder, but removed some health

    - Removed The Adversary (Deemed too similar to The Demon Priests :P)

    - Redid some more animations

    - Made Yum Heart exclusive to Super Lust and Bridget (Magdalene) and made it a 1 charge item

    - Made Judas' Shadow EXTREMELY rare and only in devil rooms (0.01% chance of seeing it :P)

    - Changed The Library's itempool to only have special items so it's worth going in, and made The Library a dark green color

    - Made Gabriel and Fallen Gabriel harder (Red robed angel)

    - About tripled the number of champion bosses >:D

    - Added a lot more animations!

    - Made It Lives harder >:D Good luck!

    - Made Mega Fatty a bit harder too!!!

    - Made Satan harder!!!

    - Added a buttload of new animations!!!!!

    - Made Gurdy and The Cage Harder >:D (Try them out!!!)

    - Added a new animation for Transcendence, and renamed it to 'The Noose' (I really like this one, make sure to grab it!! It doesn't just remove your body anymore!)

    - Nerfed a couple more enemies

    - Fixed Angel Room Crash

    - Many minor tweaks

    - Made The Lamb's death a lot funner :P

    - Upgraded Crack the Sky (Longer beams)

    Binding Of Isaac Enable Achievements With Mods

    - Totally made the Ground break animation 10000x better

    - Fixed Super Sloth attack animation (U/V error lol)

    - Fixed Hud bomb sprite (Was a little glitched)

    - Added more animations!

    - Balanced some challenges out differently

    - Fixed Super Sloth attack animation (U/V error lol)

    - Fixed Hud bomb sprite (Was a little glitched)

    - Added more animations!

    - Balanced some challenges out differently

    - Fixed Isaac from Debugging (Testing Lamb Animations :P)

    - Started revamping the Animations!!!!!! :D :D

    - ^

    - Added some more Miniboss layouts, and nerfed some older ones

    - Fixed crash with the Furnace and the Chest

    - Made it to the top 10 mods! Thank you guys for everything :)

    - Nerfed Loki, Lokii and Charger (Enemy)

    - Made The Lamb's health a bit different (Won't affect you in Furnace)

    - Nerfed 2 waves of the Deathrush so it's less tedious

    - Gave the item pools a better set of items!

    - Added some more rooms, and edited some previous ones

    - Removed the key pieces from Samson, and gave him back his beloved Bloody Lust :)

    - Removed 1up! from Judas, as you no longer need to unlock Judas' Shadow

    - Balanced some more HP

    - Made the Krampus fight potentially The Fallen instead

    - Made Judas playable


    - Added more rooms

    - Nerfed some rooms

    - Nerfed some bosses HP wise

    I have Afterbirth+ and follow all the steps though I can't seem to get any mods to work.

    i like this mod

    Binding Of Isaac Mods Disable Achievements

    Please, can't you understand this is for afterbirth+?
    Please, can't you understand this is for afterbirth+?
    it doesnt work!

    Binding Of Isaac Mods With Achievements

    thx so much
    thanks for rebirth
    i is do have poop cause mod is epic
    It didn't work on rebirth
    It's an afterbirth+ mod
    Dont run in my rebith version
    it's for afterbirth + now
    no matter what I do the mod just won't be in my game
    i cant get it to work
    apparently, it's only for afterbirth+

    Binding Of Isaac Mods With Achievements

    damn, where i can download fullfiled godmode?
    antibirth is better
    IT doesn't show up even thought i have everything set up
    I downloaded this and now my game crashes when I load it up
    Does this work with basic Rebirth?
    Thank u, the mod is incredible -DogeGedo

    Binding Of Isaac Achievement Guide

    An outstanding mod experience, good job you awesome person

    Binding Of Isaac Steam Achievements

    is this for ab?