Fistful Of Frags Server Commands

  1. Fistful Of Frags Server Commands Minecraft
  2. Fistful Of Frags Free Download
  3. Fistful Of Frags Guns

Matcheydj Blogger 2 1 25, A Fistful of Dynamite: Get some kills with explosive chain reaction effect (their own dynamite kills them). Best Friends: Kill a few Steam friends with bare hands. Defuser: Pick lit dynamite sticks thrown by other players. Detonator: Get some kills shooting at a lit dynamite. Dutch Courage: Kill some enemies while being under whiskey's effect. Fistful of Frags Console Command List cvarlist - autosave: cmd:: Autosave autosavedangerous: cmd:: AutoSaveDangerous. Automates fov command to server. resetgamestats: cmd:: Erases current game stats and writes out a blank stats file restart: cmd:: Shutdown and restart the engine. This guide is for those of you wishing to create a fully working Fistful of Frags server rapidly without having to make a dedicated server. Many of you may have noticed all those 'LAN servers are restricted to local clients (class C)' errors. It only means that those people simply clicked on 'Create Server' and expected their server to work.

It's easy to configure your Pingperfect Xonotic Server. Just follow the steps below.

  1. Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
  2. Select the 'Text Editor' option next to 'dataserver.cfg'
  3. Refer to the Example Configuration below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.

// A setting needs to be surrounded with ' if it contains special characters like space, semicolon (separates commands) or starts with // (begins a comment for the rest of the line or next semicolon). While just ' means 'no/empty setting'.


// Everything has some sensible defaults so you do NOT really need to change anything. But here are some settings you SHOULD change to make it 'YOUR' server. IF so remove the // from the line start and change them to your liking.

sv_public 1 // 0 if the server should not be on the public servers list

sv_status_privacy 1 // 1 hides IP addresses from 'status' replies shown to clients, 0 shows them.

hostname ' : Xonotic Test' // this name will appear on the server list (the $g_xonoticversion gets replaced with the current version)

sv_motd 'Welcome to another server' // this message (unless ') is displayed to players on connect

maxplayers 1 // number of players allowed on the server - do not change from your purchased amount - will stop your server from working

log_file 'server.log' // server console output will also be copied to this file. This: '${serverconfig}.log' uses variable substitution to make the logfile have the same name as your config file with .log appended which is useful if you run several servers

g_start_delay 15 // delay before the game starts to let players join the server first

// List of maps to play on the server. Set to ' to autodetect (which would enumerate ALL maps. Maps that don't support the current game mode will be skipped, so you don't need to remove them here.

g_maplist 'afterslime dance g-23 glowplant leave_em_behind newtonian-nightmare nexballarena red-planet runningman space-elevator stormkeep techassault xoylent'

g_maplist_shuffle 1 // 0 always selects the next map out of g_maplist (but then better set g_maplist_votable 0 below to prevent repetitive votes), 1 will select random maps each time

g_maplist_mostrecent_count 3 // number of maps that have to be played before a map can be repeated

Fistful Of Frags Server Commands Minecraft

// LIMITS: how long a match will last before the next map starts (-1 means use the map default, 0 = unlimited, please note that the variables fraglimit/timelimit can NOT be globally used for this but only DURING a match is being played)

timelimit_override -1 // global timelimit for all maps and gametypes

fraglimit_override -1 // global frag/point limit for all maps and gametypes

g_ctf_capture_limit -1 // frag/capture limit for CTF

capturelimit_override -1 // capture limit for CTF

g_domination_point_limit -1 // frag/point limit for DOM

g_runematch_point_limit -1 // frag/point limit for RUNE

g_keyhunt_point_limit -1 // frag/point limit for KH

g_lms_lives_override -1 // lives for LMS

g_nexball_goallimit -1 // goals for NEXBALL

g_ctf_win_mode 0 // CTF win mode: 0 = caps only, 1 = caps + points as tie breaker, 2 = points only

g_ctf_ignore_frags 1 // set to 1 to ignore kills except for FC kills

// TEAMS for key hunt (change this to 2, 3, 4 to set a fixed keyhunt style)

g_keyhunt_teams_override -1 // teams for KH

// GAME MODE: what type of server do you want to host?

// possible values: dm (deathmatch), tdm (team deathmatch), dom (domination), ctf (ctf), rune (runematch), lms (last man standing), arena (arena), kh (keyhunt), as (assault), ons (onslaught), race (race), nexball (nexball)

gametype dm


// Some settings you MIGHT want to change. Again IF so remove the // from the line start and change them to your liking.

rcon_password 'pingperfect123!?' // you can use rcon if this password is set. you need to set the same password in your client if you want to issue rcon commands

rcon_restricted_password ' // put here the password for a 'restricted' rcon user (see below)

bot_number 0 // number of bots to add

skill 4 // the bots skill level

minplayers 6 // add bots if less then that number of players playing. MAKE SURE ITS LESS THEN maxplayers or people will get blocked by bots!

g_maxplayers 0 // above this player count, only allow spectators

bot_prefix [BOT-Pingperfect] // prepend this to all botnames

bot_suffix ' // append this to all botnames

g_maplist_check_waypoints 0 // set this to 1 to skip maps without waypoints if there aren't enough players to play without bots

g_maplist_votable 6 // number of maps to vote between. set to 0 to disable the map voting screen (please enable g_maplist_shuffle above when this is enabled, or votes will be repetitive)

g_maplist_votable_suggestions 2 // number of suggestions to accept using the suggestmap command

g_maplist_votable_abstain 0 // when 1, people get a 'don't care' selection in the vote screen

g_maplist_votable_nodetail 1 // when 1, people can't see how many voted for what (to thwart abusive 'influential' first votes)

sv_vote_commands 'restart fraglimit chmap gotomap nextmap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick cointoss movetoauto shuffleteams'

// players can vote for those commands or use them if they are masters. You canm also add 'g_grappling_hook' for hook voting, and 'sv_fbskin_green sv_fbskin_red sv_fbskin_orange sv_fbskin_off' for fbskin voting.

sv_vote_master_commands 'movetored movetoblue movetoyellow movetopink'

// add commands masters can use if logged in or elected. You may want to put 'kickban' here, so masters can keep out punks. It may be good to also put 'sv_status_privacy 0' then...

rcon_restricted_commands 'restart fraglimit chmap gotomap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick kickban 'sv_cmd bans' 'sv_cmd unban' status 'sv_cmd teamstatus' movetoauto movetored movetoblue movetoyellow movetopink'

// commands for the (stronger) rcon restricted

sv_vote_call 1 // 0 will disable the normal voting

sv_vote_master 1 // 0 will disable voting to become master, good if you prefer to use the master password instead

sv_vote_master_password ' // when set, vlogin PWD will allow people to become master to run master commands directly using vdo

sv_vote_majority_factor 0.5 // What percentage of the PLAYERS constitute a majority to win a vote? must be at least 0.5

sv_vote_majority_factor_of_voted 0 // What percentage of the VOTERS who already voted constitute a majority to win a vote? must be at least 0.5

// note: to JUST support simple majorities, set these two factors equal

sv_maxidle 120 // idle time in seconds after which players will get kicked

sv_taunt 1 // 0 to disallow taunts

sv_autotaunt 0 // 0 to disallow autotaunts



// Some more advanced settings. Do not change - will likely stop the server from operating correctly.

sys_ticrate 0.0333333 // a change to 0.0166667 , can make the game a bit more fluent

sv_ready_restart 0 // 1 to allow players to restart the map when all of them press the ready button

sv_ready_restart_after_countdown 0 // if set to 1 the players and map items are reset after the countdown ended, otherwise they're reset already at the beginning of the countdown

sv_ready_restart_repeatable 0 // allows the players to restart the game as often as needed

sv_autoscreenshot 0 // 1 will force a screenshot for all clients when the map ends. Useful for competitions or the ladder.

g_antilag 2 // 0 to disable the antilag feature, 1 and 2 use different methods

sv_maxrate 1000000 // limits client connections to this rate in bytes/seconds

// see Docs/mapdownload.txt for more info

//sv_curl_defaulturl //fallback download URL

sv_defaultcharacter 0 // 1 will force a specific model for all players

sv_defaultplayermodel models/player/nexus.zym // this model will be used

sv_defaultplayerskin 0 // this skin number will be forced for all players

sv_defaultplayercolors ' // you can even force player colors here (16*shirt+pants)

g_fullbrightplayers 0 // 1 to make players fullbright

g_fullbrightitems 0 // 1 to make items fullbright

g_balance_teams 1 // 0 will show players the team selection menu after joining instead of automatically putting them on the smaller team

g_balance_teams_prevent_imbalance 0 // 0 to prevent switching to a bigger/better team

//g_ban_sync_uri '' // sync bans using this ban list provider (disabled by default, uncomment this line to enable)

//g_ban_sync_trusted_servers ' // accept bans that were initially set on the server IPs listed here (if not set, your bans are just sent to the sync URIs, but no bans are retrieved from there)

g_spawnshieldtime 1 // time for which players are protected after spawn


// 'Obvious' mutators that are allowed on a 'pure' server

g_minstagib 0 // set to 1 for MinstaGib

g_weapon_stay 0 // set to 1, 2 or 3 for different weapon-stay modes (1 = traditional, 2 = no ammo but allow throwing, 3 = ghost weapon stay)


Fistful Of Frags Free Download

g_powerups -1 // set to 0 to turn off strength/quad and shield/invincible, and set to 1 to turn them on even in game modes that normally have them turned off


// WARNING: anything below this line makes your server 'impure'! remove // to enable - enable some mutators you'd like

//g_cloaked 0 // set to 1 for transparent hard to see players

//g_grappling_hook 0 // set to 1 to enable the hook (allowed on 'pure' server in MinstaGib)

//g_jetpack 0 // set to 1 to enable the jetpack (allowed on 'pure' server in MinstaGib)

//g_laserguided_missile 0 // set to 1 for laser guided missiles in the RL

//g_midair 0 // set to 1 to make only midair damage count

//g_vampire 0 // set to 1 to give players the damage they cause as health

//sv_gravity 800 // for low gravity, set this somewhere between 50 and 400

// select AT MOST one of these arena mutators (if you didn't select g_minstagib)

//g_nix is '0' ['0'] No Items Xonotic - instead of pickup items, everyone plays with the same weapon. After some time, a countdown will start, after which everyone will switch to another weapon, and so on


//g_nix_with_healtharmor is '0' ['0'] when 1, health and armor still show up in NIX

//g_nix_with_laser is '0' ['0'] always carry the laser as an additional weapon in NIX

//g_nix_with_powerups is '0' ['0'] when 1, powerups still show up in NIX

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Fistful of Frags is a first-person western action game. The dedicated server component can be run as a Windows service using FireDaemon Pro, which allows you to start the dedicated server automatically at boot prior to login, start multiple instances of the dedicated server and more. This HOWTO will show you how to set it up. You can also use FireDaemon Fusion to manage FireDaemon and other Windows services via a web browser.

Fistful of Frags Dedicated Server Setup Under FireDaemon Pro

First download and extract SteamCMD. The download is small (< 2 MB).

Fistful Of Frags Server Commands

Download the Fistful of Frags server files via Valve’s content servers. First before you can download the files, go to the directory where you installed SteamCMD and create a shortcut to 'SteamCMD.exe'. Next edit the properties of the shortcut and in the target box, at the end of it (with a space before the following), put:

Replace USERNAME and PASSWORD with your Steam username and password. The target box should now look something like:

Now click the shortcut you created and let it run to download the Fistful of Frags server files. It might take a few hours to update everything. You should also run the shortcut every week or so to grab the latest server updates. Make sure to stop your server first.

Fistful Of Frags Guns

Note that Fistful of Frags uses one configuration file, server.cfg, to store its settings. This file is located in C:Fistful of Fragsfofcfg. Edit this file to suit your preferences.

Download and install FireDaemon Pro into the directory of your choice, typically C:Program FilesFireDaemon.


Next start the FireDaemon GUI from the desktop shortcut. Click on the 'Create a new service definition' button in the toolbar (or type Ctrl+N) and enter the information into the fields as you see below. Adjust the paths to suit your installation. Note the required parameters.

  • Executable: The path to your srcds.exe file. The path specified in this HOWTO is C:Fistful of Fragssrcds.exe.
  • Working Directory: The directory containing your srcds.exe file. The path specified in this HOWTO is C:Fistful of Frags
  • Parameters: -console -game fof +maxplayers 20 +map fof_fistful -ip x.x.x.x -port 27015
    • -console - Specifies to run the console version of the server.
    • -game fof - Specifies which game to load.
    • +map fof_fistful - Specifies which map to load. This field may be changed.
    • +maxplayers 20 - Specifies the maximum number of players.
    • -ip x.x.x.x - Specifies the IP address to connect to. Replace this with your (internal or external) IP address. This may also be specified in the server.cfg file.
    • -port 27015 - Specifies which port to send traffic through. This may also be specified in the server.cfg file.
    • +exec server.cfg - (not shown) Specifies which server file in the cfg directory to load. This field is optional but useful if you're running multiple servers.
Fistful of frags server commands cs 1.6

Now click on the Settings tab. If you DON'T want to see your dedicated server running, uncheck the Interact with Desktop check box & select “Hidden” from the “Show Window” dropdown. You can optionally run your Fistful of Frags Dedicated Server as the user you installed it as. In the Logon Account field type your username (e.g. Administrator) and then enter the user's password twice in the Password and Confirm fields. You can change the Process Priority to allocate more CPU time to the dedicated server or specify which CPU or core the dedicated server will run on (in the case of multi-processor, hyperthreaded or multi-core CPUs).

Now click on the Lifecycle tab. Uncheck Graceful Shutdown as Fistful of Frags doesn't respond to it.

Now click OK to finish setup and start your Fistful of Frags dedicated server!