How To Get To Duskwood From Stormwind

  1. Cached
  2. Stormwind - Faction - World Of Warcraft
  3. Wowhead
  • Apr 23, 2018 Also on the eastern continent, the Human capital of Stormwind City is located at the western part of the southern sub-continent in Elwynn Forest. In addition, the humans maintain outposts in Westfall (Sentinel Hill), the Redridge Mountains, and Duskwood. How To Get To Each Region Eastern Kingdoms. Elwynn Forest / Stormwind City.
  • Run through Darkshire and Stranglethorn Vale There's a dangerous path straight south through Stranglethorn Vale you can take: Either fly from Stormwind to the town of Darkshire in Duskwood or run southeast to get there (you can safely do this around level 20). You can also follow the road south from the Redridge Mountains.

How do I get to Deadwind pass?
Deadwind Pass is a contested zone located in central Azeroth, joining the southeastern reaches of the Kingdom of Stormwind (via Duskwood) from the east to the Swamp of Sorrows (and, eventually, the Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands) from the west.

Also on the eastern continent, the Human capital of Stormwind City is located at the western part of the southern sub-continent in Elwynn Forest. In addition, the humans maintain outposts in Westfall (Sentinel Hill), the Redridge Mountains, and Duskwood. How To Get To Each Region Eastern Kingdoms. Elwynn Forest / Stormwind City. Since 2.0.1, the PvP people in Stormwind have moved to the room behind the Throne Room. It is called the War Room. I quite like it actually. It keeps everything close and the rooms are almost always more packed then it was before. I suppose you also won't get griefed by the Ony encounter. Duskwood Quests is an achievement that requires the completion of 45 quests in Duskwood. It is part of the Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms meta-achievement. Wowhead Thottbot WoWDB.

Getting There

From Darkshire in Duskwood, simply follow the road east into Deadwind Pass.
It is a little more difficult for Horde to reach the pass. Head north through Duskwood from Stranglethorn Vale, skirting alliance camps and the town of Darkshire. The road east from Darkshire leads into Deadwind Pass. For those who have already been to Swamp of Sorrows, the road west from Stonard also runs into the Pass.

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Deadwind Pass
Level: 55 - 56; 70
Battle Pet Level: 17 - 18


Former ruler(s)


Major settlements

Karazhan Catacombs
Master's Cellar
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Minor settlements

Alturus' Sanctum
Morgan's Plot
Ariden's Camp (abandoned)
Abandoned Kirin Tor Camp


Dark Riders
Deadwind ogres
Burning Legion
Kirin Tor

PvP status

Contested territory

Deadwind Pass is a contested zone located in central Azeroth, joining the southeastern reaches of the Kingdom of Stormwind (via Duskwood) from the east to the Swamp of Sorrows (and, eventually, the Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands) from the west. It was, a score of years ago, considered a part of the Redridge Mountains.[1]

The Ivory Tower of Karazhan, once the dark wizard Medivh’s seat of power, stands in the center of this jagged region and leaks evil magic into the land. The trees are petrified and leafless, and a terrible wind keens through the canyon. Ogres, demons, undead and a few human gypsies roam the interior. Deadwind Pass connects Duskwood and the Swamp of Sorrows, and travelers are advised to move quickly — whispers tell that a new force has claimed the Ivory Tower, and that the ogres and demons are under its sway.[2]


This land is dead. The remaining trees are leafless and petrified, leeched of life by the tower's foul magic. The wind smells foul and dead, and the lightning storms are of concern to travelers carrying metal weapons. Undead and demons move over the land, refusing to allow it any chance of healing itself. In clear view of the road, scarecrow-like totems hang from the trees, a warning to remain on the path. The weather is in one of two states: threatening to storm or stormy. The main pass is through the middle of the region, and one must travel to the south to reach the cursed Ivory Tower of Karazhan. Few people wish to travel there, and few ever return. The few who have returned never reached the tower; attacking ogres forced them back before they came within sight of it. Besides the ogres, travelers must watch for harpies in the canyons.

Although Deadwind does have a handful of inhabitants, few are likely to run across them if they are just passing through. The Deadwind ogres comprise most of the population. The ogres are dedicated to cleansing the region of all interlopers, lead by a 'master'. These ogres dress in foul rags and carry crude, rough weapons. They are the biggest, most obvious threat to travelers and why most caravans and groups go heavily guarded.

The humans of the region are travelers, carrying their homes on their backs and trying to stay one step ahead of the ogres, demons and undead that haunt them. They do not recognize the Alliance or even ask its aid. They simply move from place to place, fighting for their lives, stolidly proclaiming Deadwind Pass as their home.[7]

This region is barren and devoid of any useful resources - herbs do not grow here, and there are no precious metals to be found. The only wildlife to speak of are carrion birds.

The raid dungeon Karazhan can be found in this zone. Other than that, there are no dungeons of any kind and no battlegrounds here. In addition, there are no travel hubs - players will have to rely on the nearby towns of Darkshire (Alliance) and Stonard (Horde) to access this zone.

In the northern part of the region is an abandoned camp that is labeled 'Ariden's Camp'.

If merely passing through, the only mobs travelers usually come across are vultures and wisp-like sprites, all of which are aggressive and will attack on sight. As one goes further south, though, one will come across a tribe of Deadwind Ogres living around the bend in the road leading to Karazhan. They live both along the roadside and within the nearby caves. In addition to the ogres and vultures, many undead aggressive spirits haunt the remains of the town at the base of Karazhan, far south down the road, whose villagers were slaughtered by Sataiel long ago. Their presence also extends deep underground. There are open cellar entrances in two of the ruined houses which will lead to catacombs and caverns filled with these ghosts.

Of course, there is the tower of Karazhan itself, which dominates the southern area of the pass. Karazhan is a level 70 10-man instance in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade.

Deadwind Pass is also known to be the origin point of a mysterious regime known as the Dark Riders, who have been sighted in Duskwood when they slaughtered a family of farmers in search of the Scythe of Elune.

As of the 2.0 patch the undead surrounding the tower are level 67-70. Players of much lower level should be careful to avoid running in, as the ghosts have a large aggro radius and would be very hard, if not impossible, to kill. Thankfully, they should not prove much of a threat for the level 70 adventurers who come here to brave the dangers of Karazhan.

The Redridge Range stretches from the zone of the Redridge Mountains to the zone of Deadwind Pass.

Regions Adjacent to Deadwind Pass

Zone NameLevel RangeDirectionAccess
Duskwood20 - 60WestBy foot only
Swamp of Sorrows40 - 60EastBy foot only
Travel Guide
Alliance Travel GuideHorde Travel Guide

• Stormwind to Booty Bay
• Auberdine to Booty Bay
• Ironforge to Gadgetzan
• Menethil Harbor to Gadgetzan
• Darnassus to IF/SW
• Desolace to Silithus

• Thunder Bluff to Orgrimmar
• Crossroads to Gadgetzan
• Crossroads to Booty Bay
• Reaching the Badlands

• Deeprun Tram and Boats• Zeppelins and Boats
• Outland (Alliance)• Outland (Horde)
Shared Paths
• Special Occasions• Wintergrasp and Dalaran

First of all it should be mentioned that if you want to reach some point on the map while you're still low level, and the way is too dangerous, your best bet is to have a mage friend who can portal you to the capital cities for your faction. That should get you closer to where you want to go.

Any Alliancemage level 40 or higher should have the portal spells for Ironforge and Stormwind. However the portal to Darnassus is only available to mages level 50 or higher.

You should be prepared to give the mage some coin. Each portal consumes a [Rune of Portals], which costs 20s each.

Of course this method costs money and you're unable to collect flypoints on the way. Still, if you simply want to reach Stormwind as a level 6 night elf, just because all your friends are one of the three other races, and you want to level together, it's the fastest way.

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If you want or need a travel route added to this guide, put your request in the discussion area.

  • 2How To Get To Each Region


The Alliance homelands are divided between the islands northwest of Kalimdor (Teldrassil and the Azuremyst Isles) and the southern subcontinent of the Eastern Kingdoms.

  • On Teldrassil, you'll find Darnassus, the Night Elf capital on the western part of the island. The night elves also maintain major outposts in Darkshore (Auberdine) and Ashenvale Forest (Astranaar)
  • On Azuremyst Isle, you'll find the draenei capital of the Exodar.
  • On the eastern continent, the Dwarf capital of Ironforge is located at the far northernwestern part of the southern sub-continent in Dun Morogh. In addition, the dwarves maintain outposts in Loch Modan (Thelsamar), and Wetlands (Menethil).
  • Also on the eastern continent, the Human capital of Stormwind City is located at the western part of the southern sub-continent in Elwynn Forest. In addition, the humans maintain outposts in Westfall (Sentinel Hill), the Redridge Mountains (Lakeshire), and Duskwood (Darkshire).

How To Get To Each Region

Eastern Kingdoms

  • Elwynn Forest / Stormwind City
From Dun Morogh, go to the Tinker Town in Ironforge, then take the Deeprun Tram to Stormwind City.
  • Dun Morogh / Ironforge


From Elwynn Forest, go to the Dwarven District in Stormwind City, then take the Deeprun Tram to Ironforge.
  • Tirisfal Glades / Undercity
From Silverpine Forest, go north or swim across Lordamere Lake from Dalaran.
From Dun Morogh, go east.
From Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands, go east and then south.
From Hillsbrad Foothills, go northwest.
From Elwynn Forest, go west.
From Elwynn Forest, go east.
From Elwynn Forest, either swim across the southern river, or go east until you reach the crossroads leading to Redridge Mountains and Duskwood.
From Arathi Highlands, go northwest through a passage in the wall.
From Dun Morogh, go east to Loch Modan, then north.
From Teldrassil, take the hippogryph route from Rut'theran Village to Auberdine, then take a boat to Stormwind Harbor, from there the Deeprun Tram to Ironforge, then walk through Dun Morogh to Loch Modan and from there to Wetlands
From Hillsbrad Foothills, go north.
From Wetlands, go north through Dun Modr and Thandol Span.
From Darkshire in Duskwood, go southwest.
From Northern Stranglethorn, head south
From Wetlands or Dun Morogh to Loch Modan, then go south.
From Elwynn Forest to Duskwood to Deadwind Pass, then go east.
From Arathi Highlands to Hillsbrad Foothills, then go northeast (behind Durnholde Keep).
From the Badlands, go west.
From the Swamp of Sorrows, go south.
From the Searing Gorge, go south throughBlackrock Mountain, around the perimeter of the molten span, to the south exit.
From Hillsbrad Foothills, swim the river to the northeast.
From the Western Plaguelands, go east.


  • Durotar / Orgrimmar
From Theramore Isle, swim north along the coast.
From Ashenvale, go east of Astranaar and then south to the Northern Barrens, follow the Gold Road south, then cross the east river separating the Barrens and Durotar.
From Azshara, swim Windfury River south, then follow ashore east.
  • Mulgore / Thunder Bluff
From the southern Southern Barrens (accessible from Dustwallow Marsh), go west, and pass the Great Gate.
  • Teldrassil / Darnassus
From Lor'danel in Darkshore (see below), take a free hippogryph ride to Rut'theran Village.
From Stormwind, go to Stormwind Harbor, then take a boat to Rut'theran Village.
From Stormwind, go to Stormwind Harbor, then take a boat to Rut'theran Village. From there, take a flight path to Lor'danel.
From Ashenvale, go east of Astranaar and then south.
From Azshara, swim Windfury River south, then follow ashore west.
From Theramore Isle, swim north along the coast, then go west (safer than going through Dustwallow Marsh).
From Ashenvale, take Talondeep Path in the south, east of Mystral Lake.
From Darkshore, go south.
From the Southern Barrens, go south.

Stormwind - Faction - World Of Warcraft

From the Charred Vale in Stonetalon Mountains, go south.
From Dun Morogh, reach Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands, then take a boat to Theramore Isle.
From Desolace, go south.
  • Tanaris / Gadgetzan
From Theramore Isle, swim south, drown when you get into Tanaris waters, drown, resurrect there.
From Ashenvale, take the road east.
From Raynewood Retreat in Ashenvale, take the road north.
From Gadgetzan in Tanaris, head southwest through the desert. The Crater is west of Tanaris. DO NOT jump.
  • Winterspring / Everlook
In Felwood, become not hostile to the Timbermaw Furbolgs. Then travel through Timbermaw Hold in the north of Felwood (alternatively, can be accessed from Moonglade). Take the East tunnel to Winterpring.
Non-druids: from northern Darkshore, swim east until you get into Moonglade waters, drown, resurrect there (safest).
From Un'Goro Crater, head west.

See also

  • The Transportation category


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