How To Trade With Hobgoblins


Medium Humanoid


Bilgewater Cartel (Horde), Steamwheedle Cartel, Venture Company

Racial capital
Racial leader(s)
  • Gazlowe
  • Donais
  • Jastor Gallywix
  • Steamwheedle

Undermine, Kezan, Azshara, Stonetalon Mountains, Westfall, Tanaris, Lost Isles, Krasarang Wilds

Ever seen a hobgoblin? They're another vile goblin creation. Take a goblin, make it even uglier, fatter, bigger and stupider and you have a hobgoblin. Add to all of that a nasty mean streak and we've got a problem.
— Scout Mistress Yvonia[1]

Hobgoblins look little like the creatures that form two thirds of their name. Their right brain is less developed than their left brain on average. A hobgoblin isn't as capable of conceptualization as your average human, but this is as much a function of their society as it is their physiology - a hobgoblin that studies can be as well-read as a. In this guide, we'll be covering the Chamber of Starlight Lost Sector in Forsaken expansion for Destiny 2. We will tell you where to find the Lost Sector, how to get to it, how to complete the Lost Sector challenge, and the potential rewards available for braving the Chamber of Starlight.

Hobgoblins, sometimes known simply as brutes,[2]oafs, or mooks,[3] are large, mutated goblins most commonly found guarding goblin settlements, acting as bodyguards or even serving as mounts. They were once regular goblins, but have been altered by some foul alchemy to become tough, powerful, and 'dumber than an ogre with a hangover'.[3]

The sweat of hobgoblins is considered acidic.[4] They are shown to be affected by kaja'mite just like normal goblins.[5] According to Sky Admiral Rogers, the Dominance Offensive brought in Heavy Mooks in order to hide behind their bodies during the battles in the Krasarang Wilds.[3]

Hobgoblins made their first appearance in World of Warcraft with the Cataclysm expansion.

  • 4In the RPG


  • Auditor Dolp
  • Gobber
  • Goob
  • Hulking Labgoblin
  • Innkeeper Dreedle<Marshal Expeditions>
  • Jack the Hammer
  • Lumbering Oaf
  • Meatface
  • Mugg
  • Riddoh
  • Simple Sal<Repairs>


  • Brute Bodyguard
  • Brute Bodyguard
  • Brute Enforcer
  • Brute Overseer
  • Brute Squad
  • Compensated Bruiser
  • Hamfisted Bruiser<Grizzle's Bodyguard>
  • Heavy Mook
  • Lumbering Oaf
  • Oaf Lackey
  • Uncrowned Bruiser
  • Vault Guard
  • Villa Mook


  • Goblin player characters have a racial ability that summons a [Pack Hobgoblin] (more specifically, Gobber) that allows them to access their bank anywhere.
  • Despite their goblin origins, hobgoblins have five fingers on each hand and five toes on each foot. This is probably because hobgoblins currently use the animation skeleton of ogres.

Ftb Witchery How To Trade With Hobgoblins

In the RPG

Ftb Witchery How To Trade With Hobgoblins

This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.
Hobgoblin art from Dark Factions.


Those purple-skinned guys. We call them hobgoblins. They were originally goblins, of course, but now they're bigger, stronger and much stupider. They aren't so good at thinking about things, but they make great shock troops. And we don't have to feel bad about sending them into battle on the front lines, because they have a life expectancy of only three years anyway.
— Zovzik[6]

The Alchemists' Union's greatest creations are the dread hobgoblins.[7] Hobgoblins are stupid, brutal troops that goblins created with their mad alchemy. Goblins created hobgoblins by experimenting on their own kind. The alchemically-wrought changes in hobgoblins did more than increase their size and strength and decrease their mental faculties. Perhaps the most well-known fact about them is their short lives. If a hobgoblin lives to his third year, he's ancient. Hobgoblins either don’t realize their lives are pitifully short (which is likely, due to their limited intellect) or they don't care.[8] Hobgoblins can also alter their personal metabolisms, channeling their adrenalin into the muscles that most need it. Their sweat is acidic, and they are capable of bursts of amazing speed that will reduce them to unconscious piles.[8]

One frightening change the alchemy wrought was on hobgoblin emotions and psychology. Hobgoblins are unstable, and their goblin masters find them difficult to control. They have a number of tactics — ranging from the violent to the culinary — to convince hobgoblins to obey, but because of this instability goblins use hobgoblins only rarely. Hobgoblins grunt out phrases in Common and Goblin.[8] When hobgoblins use one of their alchemically-created abilities, they secrete a sticky acid that build up on their skin and eventually becomes coated with this acid. Creatures that touch them or are touched by them are harmed by this acid. If enough of this acid builds up they are capable of shaking themselves like a dog, spraying the acid on nearby creatures. However, this acid is also highly flammable and will burst into flames should the hobgoblin come into contact with fire. The most insane hobgoblins set themselves on fire before entering combat.[9]

Concept art

How To Trade With Hobgoblins

Artwork in Art of Warcraft seems to describe 'before' and 'after' pictures of goblins turning into hobgoblins:

  • Concept art by Thammer[10] for Warcraft III

  • Concept art by Thammer[11] for Warcraft III

Concept art listed as 'Goblins and Hobgoblins Concepts' can be found in Art of World of Warcraft.

Witchery How To Trade With Hobgoblins

Concept art for the Cataclysm expansion when hobgoblin were added in-game:

  • Early Cataclysm concept art.

  • Concept art of a rich goblin and his hobgoblin from The Art of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.

  • Concept art or a hobgoblin mount from The Art of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.


  • Hobgoblin in the Lost Isles

  • A hobgoblin in the TGC

  • Lumbering Oaf Trading Card

  • Unpublished Card Art for Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Hearthstone expansion, by Jim Nelson. Titled 'Tough Guy' featuring a hobgoblin with a jackhammer hand.


  1. ^ [28] The Lumbering Oaf Problem
  2. ^Kezan Socialite quotes
  3. ^ abc [90 Daily] Hammer to Fall
  4. ^Acidic Sweat (Wowhead)
  5. ^ [11] Morale Boost
  6. ^Lands of Mystery, pg. 75.
  7. ^Dark Factions, pg. 116
  8. ^ abcDark Factions, pg. 197
  9. ^Dark Factions, pg. 198
  10. ^Sons of the Storm - Concept art
  11. ^Sons of the Storm - Concept art
Sapient species native to Azeroth
Ancient guardian
  • Dryad
  • Keeper of the grove
  • Jungle troll
  • Night elf
    • Satyr
    • Naga
  • High elf/Blood elf
  • Nightborne
    • Nightfallen
  • Yaungol
    • Tauren
  • Jinyu
  • Murloc
Unknown relation
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