Ksp Cheat Sheet

I will tell you how to get good cheats. How To Enable Debug/Cheat Menu 2018 Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition (KSP) - PS4 & Xbox One - Duration: 1:03. SKYEAGLE 45,453 views. Cheat Sheets for Kerbal Space Program. This is a collection of cheat sheets for the game Kerbal Space Program developed by SQUAD. The Delta-v maps are based on work by WAC and Kowgan on the Kerbal Space Program Forums as well as the Kerbal Space Program community on Reddit. The font used is called Aller and can be downloaded on FontSquirrel.

  1. PC Cheats - Kerbal Space Program Wiki Guide - IGN
  2. The Drawing Board: A Library Of Tutorials And Other Useful Information
  3. Delta V Calculator
The debug toolbar upon loading into the game.

The Debug Toolbar is a window designed for testing and debugging purposes. It can however also be used by the average player to ease gameplay, cheat or “goof off”. The toolbar can be opened with Control+Alt+F12, or RShift+F12 on Linux. It can also be opened on the console versions by pausing the game and pressing this sequence of buttons on the controller (See Konami Code):

As of 1.7.0, it has seven sections: Console, Database, Cheats, Physics, Contracts, Kerbals, and may have additional sections added for game expansions or DLCs. (In the future, outside plugins may be able to add debug screens, but this remains to be seen.)

  • 1Console
  • 3Cheats
  • 4Physics
  • 6Kerbals


The console outputs the current states of many of the processes running in the loading and playing of KSP. The Console drop-down menu has six subscreens: Debugging, Input Locks, Performance, Flight Info, Version Info, and DeltaV Info.


The debugging screen, upon loading the game.

This screen has five true/false options related to the console log and localization:

  1. Show All Log Errors on the Screen
  2. Show All Log Exceptions on the Screen
  3. Immediately Flush Log File to Disk
  4. Write missing localization keys to log as they are accessed
  5. Show localization keys on-screen(instead of translated text)


The performance subscreen.

This screen has a performance graph as well as six related displays, in millibytes:

  • Used Heap Size
  • Allocated
  • Reserved
  • Unused Reserve
  • Mono Heap
  • Mono Heap Used

Flight Info

This screen shows the location of the active vessel, the time, and the current reference body and frame.

Version Info

This screen simply shows the current version and any expansions.

Delta-V Info

The main focus of this screen is a list of all the stages and each stage's DeltaV, Thrust, Thrust to Weight Ratio, amongst other stats. Five true/false options for changing the main display:

  1. Show Parts -- adds a part list for each stage
  2. Show Vacuum(true on default) -- toggles between atmosphere and vacuum readouts
  3. Show all stages -- toggles between showing stages with or without thrust
  4. Show Engine Info -- adds an engine specification readout for each stage
  5. Verbose Logging


The Database screen has statistics for the number of assets currently available, along with a tool to reload the asset database(only available in the main menu) and the texts dictionary. Also available is a complete list of all assets used by the game or mods, including a list of assemblies in use by the game.


The Cheats screen, seen from the launchpad.

This screen has ten true/false options that change the gameplay of KSP:

  1. Hack Gravity -- Slider changes gravity from 0.01 Gs to 10 Gs.
  2. Unbreakable Joints -- Parts will never disconnect.
  3. No Crash Damage -- Removes the possibility that parts will explode due to collision with other vessels or the ground.
  4. Ignore Max Temperature -- Removes the possibility that parts will explode due to heating.
  5. Infinite Propellant
  6. Infinite Electricity
  7. Pause on Vessel Unpack -- The game will be paused when launching.
  8. Biomes Visible -- Recolors
  9. Part Clipping in Editors
  10. Non-Strict Part Attachment Checks

A tool also exists to modify science/reputation by increments of ±100 or ±10 and funding by increments of ±100000 or ±1000 or to maximize any of these:Technology -- Researches all researchable techs with no Resource cost.Facility -- Upgrades all facilities to the maximum level.Experience -- Trains all your Kerbals to maximum experience.Progression -- Activates the three previous options.

Set Orbit

This subscreen has two commands:

  1. Set Orbit -- Seven numerical entries from which you can set any orbit around any celestial body.
  2. From here you can teleport to within 150 meters of any object.
Ksp Cheat Sheet - lasopacontent


This subscreen has seven true/false options which are set to true upon startup of a new savegame, but can be set to false to increase difficulty.

  1. Allow revert to launch
  2. Allow revert to editor
  3. Allow quick saving
  4. Allow quick loading
  5. Ignore agency mindset(False on default)

Object Thrower

The object thrower in use.

Like the legacy Whack-A-Kerbel, this subscreen allows you to throw either a cube or a sphere, at any mass, size or speed, by middle-clicking.


The physics subscreen from the launchpad.

This screen has options to load, save, and change the physics database, to visualize auto struts, and for orbit targeting.


This subscreen has three true/false options that change the way aero data is visualized for the player:Display Aero Data in action menusDisplay Aero Data GUIDisplay Aero Forces in FlightForce Display ScaleAlso available are three modifiers that allow you to physically change aero forces:

  1. Global Lift Multiplier
  2. Lift/Drag Multiplier
  3. Body Lift Multiplier


First on this subscreen is an option to turn on or off drag itself.Also available is seven options and modifiers relating to drag:

  1. Replace Drag Cubes with Spherical Model
  2. Apply Drag as Acceleration Instead of Force
  3. Apply Drag To Non-Physical Parts
  4. Apply Non-Physical Part Drag At Parent CoM
  5. Global Drag Multiplier
  6. Drag Cube Multiplier
  7. Angular Drag Multiplier


This subscreen has three sections: GUI, Thermal Escape, and Physics.GUI- Here, you can change how the player detects heat.Thermal Escape- Here, you can toggle Radiation, Conduction, and Convection and change the factor at which they affect the universe.Physics- Here you can change the physics of heat formation with four sliders:

  1. Generation Factor
  2. Newtonian Temperature Factor
  3. Solar Luminosity At Home
  4. Solar Insolation At Home


In this screen you can change all contracts: Active, Offered, Archive, and future.


The Kerbals screen seen from the Astronaut Complex

This screen has a list of all kerbals, even applicants.


This subscreen allows you to create kerbals with any name, gender, role, experience, courage, stupidity, and with attributes including Veteran and Badass.

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< Cheat Sheet

Kerbal Space Program Raketentechnikers cheat sheet: Delta-v maps, Gleichungen und mehr als Vorlagen, um immer wieder darauf zurückgreifen zu können.

  • 1Mathematik
    • 1.3Delta-v (Δv)
  • 2Mathematische Beispiele


Schub-Gewichtsverhältnis (TWR)

Template:Siehe auchDas ist Newtons zweites Gesetz. Die Rakete verlässt den Boden nicht, wenn das Verhältnis weniger als 1 ist. Beachte dass die lokale Fallbeschleunigung, welche normalerweise die Anziehungskraft des Körper auf dem die Rakete start ist, benötigt wird.

TWR=FTmg>1{displaystyle {text{TWR}}={frac {F_{T}}{mcdot g}}>1}

Kombination spezifischer Impulse(Isp)

Template:Siehe auchWenn Isp für alle Antriebe in einer Stufe gleich ist, dann ist Isp gleich zu einem einzelnen Antrieb. Wenn Isp unterschiedlich für Antriebe in einer Stufe ist, dann gilt folgende Gleichung:

Isp=(F1+F2+)F1Isp1+F2Isp2+{displaystyle I_{sp}={frac {(F_{1}+F_{2}+dots )}{{frac {F_{1}}{I_{sp1}}}+{frac {F_{2}}{I_{sp2}}}+dots }}}

Delta-v (Δv)

Einfache Berechnung

Template:Siehe auchBenutze für die einfach Berechnung von Δv die Werte für den atmosphärischen- und Vakuumantrieb, für die Δv Werte der Atmosphere und des Vakuums.

Δv=ln(MstartMend)Isp9.81ms2{displaystyle Delta {v}=lnleft({frac {M_{start}}{M_{end}}}right)cdot I_{sp}cdot 9.81{frac {m}{s^{2}}}}

Wahre Δv Wert eines Antriebs der von der Atmosphäre zum Vakuum übergeht

Planet Δvout
Kerbin 2500 m/s
Werte anderer Planeten fehlen

Die Berechnung von Δv in einer Raketenstufe, bei Berücksichtigung des Übergans von Atmosphäre zu Vakuum. Δvout ist die Menge an Δv benötigt um die Atmosphäre eines Planetens zu verlassen, nicht um die Umlaufbahn zu erreichen. Diese Gleichung ist sinnvoll um den tatsächlichen Wert von Δv einer Stufe, die von der Atmospähre ins Vakuum übergeht herauszufinden.

ΔvT=ΔvatmΔvoutΔvatmΔvvac+Δvout{displaystyle Delta {v}_{T}={frac {Delta {v}_{atm}-Delta {v}_{out}}{Delta {v}_{atm}}}cdot Delta {v}_{vac}+Delta {v}_{out}}


Verschiedene englischsprachige Maps die den benötigten Wert von Δv angeben, um einen bestimmten Planeten zu erreichen.

U-Bahn ähnliche Δv map (KSP 1.2.1):

Ganze Δv Werte

Δv Änderungswerte

Δv mit Phasen Winkel

Genaue ganze Δv Werte

Ksp Cheat Sheet

WAC's Δv Map für KSP 1.0.4

Maximales Δv Tabelle

Diese Tabelle ist eine kurze Guide, die zeigt welchen Antrieb man für ein Interplanetaren Schiff, mit einer einzelnen Stufe, benutzen soll. Egal wie viel Treibstoff man benutzt, man wird nie diese ΔV Werte erreichen ohne Abstufungen um Masse zu verlieren oder das Slingshot Manöver zu verwenden. (Diese Berechnungen verwenden ein Voll-zu-Leerer Treibstofftank Massenverhältnis von 9 für alle Antriebe, außer die erwähnten.)
ISP(Vac) (s) Maximales Δv (m/s) Antriebe Anmerkungen
250 5249 O-10 'Puff' Monopropellant (Maximales Voll/leer Massenverhältnis = 8.5)
290 6249 LV-1R 'Spider'
24-77 'Twitch'
300 6464 KR-1x2 'Twin-Boar'
305 6572 CR-7 R.A.P.I.E.R.
Mk-55 'Thud'
310 6680 LV-T30 'Reliant'
RE-M3 'Mainsail'
315 6787 LV-1 'Ant'
KS-25 'Vector'
KS-25x4 'Mammoth'
320 6895 48-7S 'Spark'
LV-T45 'Swivel'
RE-I5 'Skipper'
340 7326 KR-2L+ 'Rhino'
T-1 'Dart'
345 7434 LV-909 'Terrier'
350 7542 RE-L10 'Poodle'
800 17238 LV-N 'Nerv'
4200 58783 IX-6315 'Dawn' Xenon (Maximales Voll/leer Massenverhältnis = 4.167)

(Version: 1.6.1)

Mathematische Beispiele


  • Vorlage zum kopieren:
TWR = F / (m * g) > 1


  1. Wenn Isp für alle Antriebe in einer Stufe gleich ist, Isp ist das selbe wie von einem einzigen Antrieb. Sechs 200 Isp Antriebe bringen also weiterhin 200 Isp.
  2. Wenn Isp unterschiedlich ist für die Antriebe einer einzelnen Stufe, benutzte folgende Gleichung:
  • Gleichung:

Isp=(F1+F2+)F1Isp1+F2Isp2+{displaystyle I_{sp}={frac {(F_{1}+F_{2}+dots )}{{frac {F_{1}}{I_{sp1}}}+{frac {F_{2}}{I_{sp2}}}+dots }}}

  • Vereinfacht:
Isp = ( F1 + F2 + ... ) / ( ( F1 / Isp1 ) + ( F2 / Isp2 ) + ... )
  • Erklärt:
Isp = (Antriebskraft des ersten Antriebs, Antriebskraft des zweiten Antriebs, und so weiter... ) / ( ( Force of thrust of 1st engine / Isp of 1st engine ) + ( Force of thrust of 2nd engine / Isp of 2nd engine ) + ...and so on... )
  • Example:
Two engines, one rated 200 newtons and 120 seconds Isp ; another engine rated 50 newtons and 200 seconds Isp.
Isp = (200 newtons + 50 newtons) / ( ( 200 newtons / 120 ) + ( 50 newtons / 200 ) = 130.4347826 seconds Isp


  1. For atmospheric Δv value, use atmospheric Isp{displaystyle I_{sp}} values.
  2. For vacuum Δv value, use vacuum Isp{displaystyle I_{sp}} values.
  3. Use this equation to figure out the Δv per stage:
  • Equation:

Δv=ln(MstartMdry)Isp9.81ms2{displaystyle Delta {v}=lnleft({frac {M_{start}}{M_{dry}}}right)cdot I_{sp}cdot 9.81{frac {m}{s^{2}}}}

  • Simplified:
Δv = ln ( Mstart / Mdry ) * Isp * g
  • Explained:
Δv = ln ( starting mass / dry mass ) X Isp X 9.81
  • Example:
Single stage rocket that weighs 23 tons when full, 15 tons when fuel is emptied, and engine that outputs 120 seconds Isp.
Δv = ln ( 23 Tons / 15 Tons ) × 120 seconds Isp × 9.81m/s² = Total Δv of 503.0152618 m/s

Maximum Δv

Simplified version of the Δv calculation to find the maximum Δv a craft with the given ISP could hope to achieve. This is done by using a magic 0 mass engine and not having a payload.
  • Equation:

PC Cheats - Kerbal Space Program Wiki Guide - IGN

Δv=21.576745349086Isp{displaystyle Delta {v}=21.576745349086cdot I_{sp}}
  • Simplified:
Δv =21.576745349086 * Isp

The Drawing Board: A Library Of Tutorials And Other Useful Information

  • Explained / Examples:
This calculation only uses the mass of the fuel tanks and so the ln ( Mstart / Mdry ) part of the Δv equation has been replaced by a constant as Mstart / Mdry is always 9 (or worse with some fuel tanks) regardless of how many fuel tanks you use.
The following example will use a single stage and fuel tanks in the T-100 to Jumbo 64 range with an engine that outputs 380 seconds Isp.
Δv = ln ( 18 Tons / 2 Tons ) × 380 seconds Isp × 9.81m/s² = Maximum Δv of 8199.1632327878 m/s
Δv = 2.1972245773 × 380 seconds Isp × 9.82m/s² = Maximum Δv of 8199.1632327878 m/s (Replaced the log of mass with a constant as the ratio of total mass to dry mass is constant regardless of the number of tanks used as there is no other mass involved)
Δv = 21.576745349086 × 380 seconds Isp = Maximum Δv of 8199.1632327878 m/s (Reduced to its most simple form by combining all the constants)

True Δv

  1. How to calculate the Δv of a rocket stage that transitions from Kerbin atmosphere to vacuum.
  2. Assumption: It takes roughly 2500 m/s of Δv to escape Kerbin's atmosphere before vacuum Δv values take over for the stage powering the transition (actual value ranges between 2000 m/s and 3400 m/s depending on ascent). Note that, as of KSP 1.3.1, around 3800 m/s of Δv is required to reach an 80km orbit from the KSC.
  3. Note: This equation is a guess, an approximation, and is not 100% accurate. Per forum user stupid_chris who came up with the equation: 'The results will vary a bit depending on your TWR and such, but it should usually be pretty darn accurate.'
  • Equation for Kerbin atmospheric escape:

ΔvT=ΔvatmΔvoutΔvatmΔvvac+Δvout{displaystyle Delta {v}_{T}={frac {Delta {v}_{atm}-Delta {v}_{out}}{Delta {v}_{atm}}}cdot Delta {v}_{vac}+Delta {v}_{out}}

  • Simplified:
True Δv = ( ( Δv atm - 2500 ) / Δv atm ) * Δv vac + 2500
  • Explained:
KSP 1.2 Debug/Cheat menu - Technical Support (PC, modded ...
True Δv = ( ( Total Δv in atmosphere - 2500 m/s) / Total Δv in atmosphere ) X Total Δv in vacuum + 2500
  • Example:
Single stage with total atmospheric Δv of 5000 m/s, and rated 6000 Δv in vacuum.
Transitional Δv = ( ( 5000 Δv atm - 2500 Δv required to escape Kerbin atmosphere ) / 5000 Δv atm ) X 6000 Δv vac + 2500 Δv required to escape Kerbin atmosphere = Total Δv of 5500 m/s

See also

Delta V Calculator

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